September 23rd, 2007 at 12:47 pm
Hey everyone, my savings are doing great but I really need to consolidate debt. I dont know if anyone here has heard of, but I signed up in hopes of getting a loan with them. My story I believe will be on the link.
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June 15th, 2007 at 08:15 am
Woo, I just got accepted into Pinecone Research! I read about them a year ago and never saw a sign up... now im in Any money from there will go into the challege fund.
Does anyone know any other good survey places? What about mystery shopping... Ive always wanted to do that.
Oh, and by the way... I am now 15k in debt. Ya, I took out some loans for school... I had my first year paid for but not this year. I switched schools and majors going from automotive to business admin. I have plans .
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June 3rd, 2007 at 07:29 am
Well I have been thinking, and I have motivated myself for a new goal! I want to add $500 to my challenge balance in the next 6 months. As of May 31st my ING balance is 185.33. My goal is to have atleast 685.33 by New Years Eve. Im going to start by taking all my change to the bank this week .
I was also thinking about doing direct deposit with my Electric Orange account to earn more interest on the money that is just sitting there in my checking. Has anyone else done this? How does it work out?
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May 24th, 2007 at 08:27 pm
Long time no post, but I have been saving 1.00 a day since the new year getting automatically withdrawn from my checking to my ING savings. I am upto 175.39! Since the year is half over I am upping my weekly deposit to 9.32 a week. I chose that amount because thats how much I get paid an hour lol. So one hour a week is saved.
I have also started a 401k with my job. They match upto 5% of what I put in. Ive done it for 3 paychecks and I am upto 60$! I am only putting 2% in but I am upping it to 5%.
Edit: Just to let everyone know I am a 21 year old college student working part time.
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